Powering through with Positive Psychology

Amanda, a young woman from New York City battling Stage IV Melanoma, was interested in learning how to incorporate nutrition and positivity into her intense treatment plan. Thanks to a wonderful partnership with Kayleigh Pleas, Seas It was able to provide Amanda with a six-week enrollment into Kayleigh’s Positive Psychology Coaching Classes. Amanda had an amazing experience attending the course and shared her grant experience with Seas It:


“My Stage IV cancer diagnosis left me feeling anxious and out of control of what was happening in my body. While I felt physically strong through my treatment, I sometimes struggle with all of the emotions and frustrations that come along with cancer. The Positive Psychology coaching that Seas It provided for me, helped me to focus on my overall wellbeing not just the current state of my body. It gave me the tools to continue to fight and heal. I am so grateful to Amanda and her incredible vision for Seas It. She was able to identify my biggest hurdles in coping with my illness and give me the guidance to remain mindful and positive.”

We know Amanda has a long road ahead of her but we are confident that with her incredible attitude and mental strength, she will overcome any obstacle that comes her way.

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The Persian New Year!