A Mother's Grant


We wanted to give a shout out to Melissa, an incredible mother who is battling breast cancer. Melissa was staying at Mary’s Place by the Sea, a respite home from women receiving treatment for cancer, when she first learned of Seas It and our Grant Program. Shortly after returning from her restorative visit to Mary’s Place, we received Melissa’s grant application. Melissa was eager to stay active and positive during her treatments but wasn’t sure which activity would be best for her. She thought about cooking classes, yoga classes, gym membership, and dance class. The common thread in each activity was that she wanted to find something that she and her daughter, Phoebe, could enjoy together. Melissa not only works full time but she is also undergoing cancer treatments, volunteering at a Cancer center, and raising a beautiful daughter.  Needless to say. Melissa’s free time is very limited but it was extremely important that she spend her free time with her daughter.

Thanks to the kind people at Club Metro Fitness in Fort Lee, Seas It was able to purchase a family membership for six months for Melissa and Phoebe. They have enjoyed the time together working on a common goal of staying active and enjoying one another’s company. We love seeing how strong they both look in the face of adversity. Keep it up, Melissa and Phoebe!

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Namaste to you, Michelle...


From Swimming in the Water to Watercolors!